Seymour Brook Bridge Closure

Bridge Closed
Bridge Closed

Due to safety concerns Mass DOT has ordered the bridge over Seymour Brook just east of Trumble Lane on Water Street be closed. This will result in the closure of Water Street from Trumble Lane to the Transfer Station effective Monday morning, November 20th, 2023. Work to obtain funds to replace the bridge began in the Spring.  The town was just recently awarded a Small Bridge Grant to do so. However the time frame to accomplish the engineering, bidding, and construction phases of the project will take several years and the bridge & road will remain closed until the project is completed. Travelers will need to seek alternate routes for the foreseeable future. Trumble Lane is impassable and is not an alternate route. As we have additional information on the project we will post here on the town website and publish in the Country Caller. The Selectboard and the entire Department of Public Works thank you for your patience and understanding during this project.

The Granville Selectboard held an Emergency Selectboard Meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 to discuss the closure of the bridge over Seymour Brook (Bridge #G-10-008) on Water Street .